This, That and the Other 16/12

Hi All,

It’s starting to feel like Christmas with all the shopping, decorations, last minutes panics and of course parties, the “Camera Chicks” looked like they had a good time last night, how’s the hangovers ladies (any embarrassing photos you can share).

Well done to all who put their prints into last week’s competition.  I thought the quality was very good and great to see a larger entry in the novice class. A special congratulations to Linda Allen who got a well deserved 1st in both Colour and Mono and it was the first time she has ever entered prints.

The results aren’t on the web site yet but I think it was Colin Close who got the 1st for colour and your truly got a 1st for mono –  well you could have knocked me over with a feather but it backs up what I said last week, sports images seem to do well.  Whilst on the congratulations I missed out Sue Vernon last week who got three acceptances in Smethwick International. The talent we now have in the club is the best for many years and the beauty is it is spreading throughout the membership, but let’s not get complacent however a little pat on the back is truly deserved.

A couple of thanks, firstly to Tony Gervis for his excellently entertaining presentation on how with just a few tweaks in Elements you can take an ordinary photograph and make it more interesting, maybe even competition worthy. A good laugh and hopefully we learned to concentrate on the main story and drop the dross. I would also like to thank the very modest Roger Tyler for giving up his time with an open house for mainly novice members to help with Photoshop skills. Colin Close organises model studio sessions both at Avoncroft and other studios further afield. I understand January and February dates are all taken, Colin works on a rota system so if Studio Photography is of  interest get Colin to put you on his list for future sessions.

This week Colin Close will doing the early (7.00 start) session and will be concentrating on what works well for competitions and obtaining distinctions. The main event is a couple of old friends to the club, Dave Lowe and Dave Yates (fondly known as the two Dave’s) who, going by previous times, give a hugely humorous and entertaining presentation and just for good measure throw in some brilliant images.  A brilliant end to the year.  Win, Win!

Other bits and pieces include:

Have you signed up to the New Year Party yet?  Last chance this Tuesday together with payment. For those that have and not yet paid (me included) we really need your money in this Tuesday.  Don’t forget the Mega Raffle tickets which include £60 of Amazon Vouchers plus, plus – again last chance to purchase if you can’t make the Party.


For those that don’t know our Print Easel after 20 plus years is starting to show its age plus with colour accuracy and health and safety issues it needs replacing. The cost of a commercial one recommended for Photographic Clubs costs £1,700. This would have meant digging into our reserves which includes monies ring fenced for our ambition of once again holding a BPS National Exhibition which we held up to 2012. Fortunately some lateral thinking was why not try for a Grant and I am pleased to say we have been notified we were successful.  I would like to thank Bromsgrove Institution Trust for their consideration and generosity as well as all the Committee Members who helped put the bid together.  Well done!

Running out of time so hopefully see you Tuesday evening for the last of this year’s meeting.

Best wishes,

Roger Lewis



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