02.02.2025 Vocal Point

Another great evening at the club last Tuesday.

The early session was very well attended and rightly so – a fine presentation on an interesting subject, as Ian Bowes first told us everything we needed to know about HOW to shoot “Intentional Camera Movement” (ICM) photographs, and then treated us to a gallery of some of his recent photographs taken this way. I found it very inspiring – going well beyond the classic “tree trunks smeared vertically” shot into all sorts of abstract pictures that Ian assures us were of pieces of wire, but looked like fantastical beasts or weird light paintings. I expect we will see quite a few future competition entries inspired by this talk – I’m certainly going to try to create my own version of some of the monochrome street photographs with ICM.

The main session featured our third print competition of the season, and as ever we gave the visiting judge a very hard time with the quality of the work he was asked to choose winners from. An impossible task – there were just so many great photographs. I thought he did a great job, with considered and helpful critique on all the images presented.

This coming Tuesday we have the selection evening for the “Boys vs Girls” challenge evening that is coming up in a few weeks time. Please bring along a selection of photographs that you would like to be considered for your team’s entry. You can bring them as prints (small ones is fine) or as JPGs on a memory stick – just so long as your teammates can view them well enough to determine which images should be included in the final selection. I see that the “Girls” are already getting organized with a nominated team captain – the “Boys” will need to get their act together on Tuesday night! Any volunteers to be captain (which really just means trying to chair the selection process)?

Also on Tuesday, we have an early session from me, talking about lenses – how to choose them, what lenses are good for what purpose, why some lenses cost £14000 and some cost £14 (and which represent good value for money), and so on.

Also remember that on Wednesday this week there is the “Six societies” inter-club competition hosted by the Kings Norton Photographic Society in Bournville. Please come along and support your club if you can, and remember that parking is limited so car-sharing is recommended. The venue is Woodlands Park Hall, Woodlands Park Road, Bournville, B30 1HA, and the competition will run from 8pm-10pm (doors open 7:20).

You will no doubt have seen Jan’s email calling for volunteers to present at the “Volunteer evening” on April 15th. These evenings are always fun, and it’s great to hear from our members talking about topics that interest them, so please have a think about what you might like to talk about and contact Jan if you think you have something of interest.

That’s it for this week – I hope to see you all on Tuesday


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