I have been interested in photography for many years, and like most club photographers my main interest was producing black and white prints in the darkroom. I achieved my LRPS in 1988 and ARPS in 1994, both with panels of black and white prints.
I am now totally digital and really enjoy the creative possibilities that are available to us as photographers. At the beginning of 2010 I decided to submit a panel of digital colour prints for assessment for ARPS, which I am pleased to say was successful.
I decided at this time to enter national exhibitions which are controlled by BPE (British Photographic Exhibitions) to date I have received over 250 acceptances and over 40 awards. It seemed a natural follow on to enter International exhibitions controlled by FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art) which, since the beginning of 2010, I have received over 350 acceptances and over 40 awards, obtaining my AFIAP in March 2011 and EFIAP in June 2014.
Being a club photographer I submitted a panel of prints to the PAGB (The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) and received my DPAGB in April 2011.
Thank you for taking the time to view my information and I hope you enjoyed my pictures.
There are a number of galleries on my website, should you want to see more of my work.
Gerry Coles EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE5