Vocal Points

21.07.2024 Vocal Point

It was great to see so many of you at Wild Goose nature reserve yesterday. There were not quite as many insects as last year, but still a good selection – I’m still sorting through all my photos. It’s a really good place to visit for anyone that likes photographing insects (or enjoys nice food!) […]

21.07.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

14.07.2024 Vocal Point

Just time between the end of the tennis and the start of the football to write this week’s Vocal Point… The summer programme continued today with a most enjoyable outing to Dudmaston Hall – another local destination that I hadn’t been to before. Many thanks to David J for organising it. Next up we have

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07.07.2024 Vocal Point

The summer programme continued last Tuesday with a trip to Malvern – including the Priory church which is really quite spectacular and somewhere I hadn’t visited before. Thanks to Jan for organizing it. Next outing on the summer programme is on Saturday, July 13th, visiting Dudmaston Hall near Bridgnorth. Again, somewhere I have not been

07.07.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

30.06.2024 Vocal Point

Another action packed week for BPS in the summer programme. On Wednesday we had the Dog Agility session. As with the previous events Ele has organized, an umbrella was required, but this time as a sunshade! Fortunately the heat subsided enough for the dogs to perform. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, although apparently some guy

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23.06.2024 Vocal Point

I was sad to miss the trip to the motocross yesterday due to prior engagements, but judging by the pictures I have seen from club members on Facebook it looks like it was another successful outing – thanks to Jan and Steve for organizing it! And no rain this time… The next outing on the

23.06.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

16.06.2024 Vocal Point

Well, here I am again, reporting on a summer programme outing that featured dismal weather but still enjoyable despite the downpours for those of us that braved the rain. I had not been to Wythall Transport Museum before – safe to say that if you like buses you’ll love it, if you hate buses you’ll

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09.06.2024 Vocal Point

Well, the weather was not kind to us on the first meeting of the summer program – during the drive to Himley there were the most torrential downpours, and I was fully expecting to get there, sit in the car for 10 minutes, then turn around and go home. But as it turned out, the

09.06.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

02.06.2024 Vocal Point

Gosh, Sunday again already! So, how do we follow that great night on Tuesday – the climax to a very successful season? With a great summer programme, of course! Next event on the summer programme is this coming Tuesday evening, at Himley Hall (https://www.himleyhallandpark.co.uk). Thanks to Ele for arranging this. She has already circulated details.

02.06.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

26.05.2024 Vocal Point

Well, that will teach me to pay more attention in committee meetings! How did I end up as chair? First off, thanks to Ele for the great job she has done as chair for the last two years. I know from past experience it can be a very demanding role, and she had quite a

26.05.2024 Vocal Point Read More »

19.05.2024 Vocal Point

Well here it is my final Vocal Point as we head to the AGM this Tuesday at 8pm {I can change the reminder on my watch now } What a great model Colin organised for us on Tuesday , I hope you enjoyed working with Kym , thank you to Steve W for the taxi

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