3rd PDI Monthly Judge: John Haines

9 Entries

Steve Williams

Industrial Might

Rebecca BoardmanThe Old Smokehouse, SkipnessSecond
Steve WilliamsConcentrating HardThird
Steve WilliamsSafely HomeHighly Commended

37 Entries

Alan FackrellWaterfallFirst
Mike TrothThe ContenderSecond
Mike Billingham165 WaterThird
Alan FackrellTake OffHighly Commended
Guy SidfordOrder From ChaosHighly Commended
Colin Close LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE5*CoilsCommended
Tony Gervis FRPSLone Tree At Lamar ValleyCommended
Alan McCormickHe’s Forgotten The WordsCommended

9 Entries

Malcolm WhartonZebra And OxpeckerFirst
Malcolm WhartonThe WaterholeSecond
Monica VanessWhite Tailed Deer RelaxingThird
Monica VanessBarn Owl In Tree CrookHighly Commended
Charlotte MathewsReflections Greylag GooseCommended

17 Entries

Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SIts Washday For Young Lion CubFirst
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SHyena Running With A Wildebeast HeadSecond
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Eurasian Otter With MealThird
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Young Rabbit In MeadowHighly Commended
Rebekah Nash QPSA, BPE1*Blue-tailed DamselflyCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SLeopardess Carries Her Young CubCommended
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