Judge: Paddy Ruske

Open Nature(15 entries)

Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SLynx WalkingFirst
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Red Grouse Male On MoorlandSecond
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SRed Fox Caught In The ActThird
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Red Dune Fox EmergingHighly Commended
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Jay, Elegant PoseHighly Commended
Paul SmithGyrsaker Falcon With KillHighly Commended
Jan GodwinRobin With CaterpillarCommended
David JellieFungi On Fallen TreeCommended
Paul SmithMale Fallow DeerCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SHungry FoxCommended

Novice Nature(7 entries)

Monica VanessGiraffeFirst
Monica VanessGarden SnailSecond
Malcolm WhartonWhite Rhinoceros Mother And CalfThird
Charlotte MathewsHeronHighly Commended
Monica VanessEurasian Eagle-OwlHighly Commended
Charlotte MathewsBarbary MacaquesCommended
Malcolm WhartonSth American Birds-Toucans, Humming And CondorCommended

Novice Colour(8 entries)

Malcolm WhartonTrees In WinterFirst
Charlotte MathewsHassan 11 MosqueSecond
Charlotte MathewsGuitar PlayerThird
Monica VanessFrozen MemoriesHighly Commended
Monica VanessWood SpiritsCommended

Open Colour(29 entries)

Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Pelican PonderingFirst
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SStages Of AquilegiaSecond
Alan FackrellThe Start Mens RaceThird
Ele Watts CPAGBThe PipesHighly Commended
Ele Watts CPAGBStill Life With Peacock FeathersHighly Commended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/SThe HobbyistHighly Commended
Robin ElmsBayley LaneCommended
Jan GodwinStaithesCommended
Alan McCormickThe RaceCommended
Ele Watts CPAGBThrough The SmokeCommended
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