Judge: Peter Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/p

Novice Colour (4 entries)

Malcolm WhartonSalisbury Cathedral ReflectionFirst
Malcolm WhartonUpside Down SunsetSecond
Monica VanessPut Your Worries Into PerspectiveThird
Amethyst Moon

Open (16)

Ian BowesA Balanced PerspeggtiveFirst
Ian BowesNearly HomeSecond
David JellieBut Is It ArtThird
Ian BowesA Perspective SliceHighly Commended
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*LightscapeCommended

Open (5)

Ele Watts CPAGBUp Or DownFirst
Nick VealeDiglis BridgeSecond
Ele Watts CPAGBThe Metal BallThird
Ele Watts CPAGBThe SpiralHighly Commended
Nick VealeStairsCommended

Novice (5)

Malcolm WhartonView From The Deck Of A Tall ShipFirst
Monica VanessImportance By PerspectiveSecond
Monica VanessA Long Day Of StudyThird
Malcolm WhartonCornish Engine HouseHighly Commended
Malcolm WhartonImperial War Museum NorthCommended

Novice (3)

Monica VanessBasking Ring-Tailed LemurFirst
Malcolm WhartonPrairie DogSecond
Monica VanessGarden Snail Eating Broad BeansThird

Open (14)

Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Red Fox, Attention HeldFirst
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Red Grouse Male, Snowy HeatherSecond
Sue Vernon CPAGB BPE3*Cape Wigeon CourtshipThird
Jan GodwinRed Deer StagHighly Commended
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Roe Deer Doe In Summer MeadowHighly Commended
Sue Vernon CPAGB BPE3*Snowdrop Galanthus NivalisCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE4* SPSA EFIAP/STundra Wolves Play FightingCommended
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