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  Novices Annual Competition 2018/19
Judge: Stephen Clifford CPAGB AFIAP BPE2*A3
Pictorial (Colour & Mono)
Best Colour Print Faye Linda Allen
Best Mono Print Walking The Shadow Lines Ruth Seadon
Best Landscape Print Waterfront at Night Linda Allen
Best Portrait Print Mr “T” Linda Allen
Best Sport Print None entered  
Best Creative Print Side Lit Birch Ruth Seadon
Best Colour PDI Walking in the clouds Pat Billyard
Best Mono PDI Having a gossip Charlotte Mathews
Best Landscape PDI Kings Cross Pauline Grainger
Best Portrait PDI Make do and mend Sue Davis
Best Sport PDI Full Speed Ahead Linda Allen
Best Creative PDI Iron Horses Ruth Seadon
Best Nature Print Female Kestrel with tasty morsel Linda Allen
Best Insect Print None entered
Best Plant/Fungi Print Almost symmetrical Ruth Seadon
Best Mammal Print Red Stag Calling Linda Allen
Best Bird Print Female Kestrel with tasty morsel Linda Allen
Best Nature PDI Resting Stag Linda Allen
Best Insect PDI None entered
Best Plant/Fungi PDI Sea Holly Ruth Seadon
Best Mammal PDI Resting Stag Linda Allen
Best Bird PDI European Shag Sue Davis

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