The Meeting started at 8.00pm there were 28 members present.
ITEM 1) APOLOGIES These had been received from Peter and Jill Young, Mike Norton, Mike Troth, Jim Greatrix and Sue Davis.
2) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS AGM. The previous minutes were read out. There were two amendments made:
A1:The Constitution needed to be updated detailing what was to happen in the event of a Dissolve of the society.
A2 correction to spelling of members name, should be Judith Cooney and not Clooney. The minutes were then accepted as read.
Proposed: Tony Freil, Seconded: Daphne Day.
There were none.
Roger Lewis read out a lengthy Report to the membership, a full copy is attached to these minutes.
In Full it had been a Good year, he summarized what BPS offers its members over the year this included
2 Models when we have Practical nights.
We now have continuous lighting.
We had put on a Photo Exhibition at the Artrix, he thanked Tony H, Rebekah and Colin for their support.
We had seen a large increase in Members entering the competitions, he hoped to see an increase in Novice entries next season.
Nigel now projects the Prints so that they can be seen at the back of the room.
Awards – winners would receive trophies to keep this year.
We still faced the challenge of rising costs and an ageing membership, Roger said we need Younger Members to join.
He questioned if we needed a group to compile the 2017/18 programme.
June Longmuir reported, a copy of the years accounts were supplied. June went through the sections of the account to explain how a Budget Projection had been calculated. We knew that Avoncroft were proposing a £12 to £18 increase in Room Hire. Average cost of a speaker £50 – £70 Average cost of a Model £50.
Acceptance of accounts were Proposed Derek May Seconded Jan Harris. Agreed: All. 6) PROGRAMME SECRETARY’S REPORT
Rebekah reported that a draft Programme was nearly complete. It would be ready for printing when required.
Report accepted Proposed Roger Tyler: Seconded:David Riddle. 7) COMPETITION SECRETARY’S REPORT
Nigel supplied a written report of which a full copy is attached to these minutes. This had been Nigel’s first year as secretary and the time had flown by. We had seen record entries reflecting the increase in membership.
The new Novice class had got off to a good start but it would be good to see a few more entries. In general all judges appeared to have been well received, he thanked David W. for booking them for the season.
He said the projection of the prints had been well received and he thanked Tony H. for being prompt in putting them on the website.
Nigel went on to say the Rules would ne rewritten for next season to further restrict duplication or very similar work. Next year points would be awarded for held back work but you would get nothing for just entering.
There would be a 18 month Age limit placed on entries for the Open Annual competitions to encourage new work.
Nigel thanked everyone for their support and said he looked forward to handing out Trophies on awards night.
Several questions were raised: – When would the Set Subjects be known? – Some Novices were considered too good and were putting others of entering. – Peter G said he entered competitions to get comments from the judge.
Nigel’s Report was accepted Proposed: Colin Close Seconded: Tony Freil
Janet gave a verbal report.
We had started the Social events with the New Year Party and Quiz night, this was well supported. A very enjoyable evening was had by all.
The next event would be the Cheese and Wine Party and Awards Evening, Janet said a Raffle was planned and she hoped the evening would be well attended.
Finally she thanked June and Jill for doing the Tea and Coffee for the month that she could not attend also thanked Gail for her help with the New Year Party and also thanked others who had supported her during the year.
Janet’s Report was accepted. Proposed: June Longmuir Seconded: Barry Green.
9) INTER-CLUB COMPETITIONS/EXTERNAL EXHIBITIONS David Ward gave a verbal report, we had entered 3 Interclub competitions during the year:
Midland Bank: First Place again. Six Societies: this year we had finished second to Kings Norton.
Stourbridge five-a-side. This year we had finished a respectable third. David thanked all those authors who had contributed during the year and also his He thanked his Panel of selectors Nigel, Barry, and Colin.
Report Accepted Proposed: Liz Perrins Seconded: Mike Cox
Tony Hawksbee reported to the membership.
Tony thanked Nigel for simplifying entering pictures.
A new How to find us page was now available.
Tony went on to say that he was happy to receive work from members. We were now getting more Hits than ever but he was not sure why. Tony’s report was accepted, Proposed: John Davidson Seconded: Peter Garnett..
Linda Allen reported in her first year as officer,
She was now drip feeding the local press and getting some good articles published. Dereck May asked if we were going to have a stall in the Market again this year? Roger Lewis answered yes we also intended to have an Exhibition in the new Library during the month of August.
Roger Tyler suggested putting an article in a Photo Magazine. Colin Close suggested putting an advert in the MCPF News Letter.
Report accepted Proposed: David Riddle Seconded: John Dignum. .
12.1 Chairman: Roger Lewis to continue.
This was a two yearly position a vote was not required.
12.2 Re Election of Officers prepared to continue in their current role:
Secretary : David Ward Treasurer: June Longmuir Competition Secretary: Nigel Taylor Social Sec: Janet Cox Web Master: Tony Hawksbee Inter Club Co-Ordinator: David Ward Accepted on Block Proposed Roger Tyler Seconded David Riddle Agreed: All
12.3 Vice Chairman: John Dignam John Volunteered and this was agreed by all.
12.4 Programme Secretary : Shared position Rebekah Nash / Liz Perry. Proposed: Roger Tyler Seconded: Daphne Day Agreed all.
2.5 External Exhibitions Secretary:
Colin Close
Proposed David Ward Seconded Jan Harris. Agreed by All . 12.5 General Committee Members
Jan Harris Derek May Mike Cox Peter Garnett
Agreed by All present.
13.1 ‘To allow all under 18’s free membership as long as they are accompanied by a relative who is a full member and are allowed to enter all club competitions’
Proposed Rebekah Nash Seconded Sheila Billingham.
Proposal was withdrawn by originator.
13.2 ‘That BPS retains a Maximum reserve of £2500 and that any excess above be spent judiciously for the benefits of the members’
Proposed Roger Tyler Seconded Rebekah Nash.
Proposal was withdrawn by originator.
13.3 ‘That Proxy Voting’ be allowed.
Proposed: David Riddle Seconded: Joe Kollar.
It was agreed that the Pros and Cons would be discussed by Committee and a decision made.
13.4 ‘Subscriptions to be increased by £4:00 per member’
Proposed June Longmuir Seconded Committee
This was discussed and voted on and approved: 21 For, 5 Against 2 Abstained. 14) A.O.B
Richard Pope asked that the Society consider allowing payment by Direct Debit.
It was agreed the Committee would take this away and consider at a future meeting.
Meeting was closed.
Next committee meeting to be Monday 6th June.