The Meeting commenced at 8.00 pm. There were 34 members present
1. APOLOGIES: David Riddle, Sue Vernon, Julie Bridgewater, Jan Godwin, Sheila Ballantyne-Smith, Derek May, Jill and Peter Young, Don Campbell
The Minutes of the previous AGM held on 18th April 2017 having already been circulated were accepted as read.
PROPOSED: Tony Friel SECONDED: Sheila Billingham
There were no matters arising.
4. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: The Chair, Roger Lewis, gave a verbal report.
• Theme was “BETTER”
• Competitions better but need finer tuning for this year
• No longer cheapest lecturers but now looking for best for quality and variety
• Investment in LED studio lights giving better results on Studio Evenings
• Increased number of male models
• Reasonable practical members’ evenings
• Thanks to Nigel Taylor for introducing necessary changes to balance necessity with fairness, and for collating and sorting competition evenings so they look effortless and professional
• Thanks to Tony Hawksbee for saving our website and for all his work on the new Data Protection Regulations which comes into force this month, and for constantly updating and improving the website
• Thanks to Linda Allen for taking over the function of the Treasurer after June Longmuir became ill and keeping them under control and for getting the accounts computerised
• Thanks to Jan Harris for improving the quality and variety of Guest Speakers
• Thanks to Adrian Butt for taking over majority of early sessions and for being a “friend” that could be relied on.
• Thanks to Dave Robbins, Zan Tristram, Dave Riddle, Jenny Webster, Roger Tyler, Tony Gervis, Julie Bridgewater and her team and for people who have helped put out chairs and tables, welcomed new members, and for helping to put everything away at the end of the evening.
• Thanks to Colin Close for not only sorting out models and model shoots but for encouraging members to enter national and international competitions.
• Jan Harris, John Davidson, Jenny Webster and Roger Lewis now have CPAGB distinctions
• Jenny Webster also has BPE 1 and 2 crown distinctions
• We are all getting BETTER and BETTER and BETTER
The Report was accepted: PROPOSED: Barry Green SECONDED: Colin Close
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer, Linda Allen, circulated the Accounts for April 2017 to May 2018 and gave a verbal report.
• Took over as Treasurer in September 2017 and the accounts are now computerised thanks to the help of Tony Hawksbee
• Accounts had been audited and signed off by Mike Norton
• Overall outcome showed a small deficit of £127.89
• Deficit mainly due to Coach Trip to Cardiff small deficit of £4 against good surplus normally; Bill Chambers Lecture expenditure of £146.50 plus speaker’s fee of £160; New Year Party produced a smaller surplus than previous year; fewer members this year showing shortfall of £665; visitors’ fees £66; £47 from sale of eggs; income from John Dignum sales table was down £95; Judges and Speakers increase of £445; Models decrease £420.
The Report was accepted: PROPOSED: Liz Perrins SECONDED: Janet Cox
Taking into account possibility of an increase in costs (rental and speakers/judges); upgrading and improving equipment (new print easel); and due to the type of construction of the building where we are unable to get contents insurance, it is prudent to have a reserve of £6,000 – £8,000 to cover any equipment lost, stolen or in need of replacement.
The Membership Fees for 2018/19 should be increased by £2 per person in all categories:
PROPOSED: Linda Allen The proposal was carried by a majority of hands.
Jan Harris, gave a verbal report. • Thirteen speakers gave presentations on various topics and all these speakers
• Additional ticketed event in memory of Bill Chambers. Speaker was Des Ong, a renowned nature photographer and held at Bromsgrove School. Plan to continue with similar event this coming year however this will be held on our usual Tuesday evening with tickets available at a cost to non-members
• Jan asked that she had more feedback from members via email so that she could pass on to the speakers if appropriate and also so that she could assess the correct input to suit the Club
• There would be a Summer Event on 14th August at DPix Studio who would be giving a demonstration. The Studio had asked for ideas as to what sort of demonstration should be shown. All ideas to Jan
The Report was accepted: PROPOSED: John Davidson SECONDED: Jill Howell
Competition Secretary, Nigel Taylor, gave a verbal report.
• Novice Print and PDIs have been down on entries. Need to introduce more Novices to printing.
• Membership survey undertaken on how we could further restructure competition entries down to a more manageable level
• Taking into account the above survey, the rules for next season will change in that there will still be 2 sections per month, but for PDIs each member will be able to enter just 3 photos spread across those 2 sections, but not all into 1 section; for prints it will remain as present with 3 photos per section (reduced to 2 if necessary).
• Nigel reported that he was looking to increase the required resolution to 1600 x 1200 pixels. • 18 month rule for Annual Competitions was introduced to stop a few members churning out the same old images year after year to the frustration of other members who want to see new work.
• Would like to extend this rule to 24 months but make it clear that if an older image is merely used as the base layer for the creation of a completely new image that this will be acceptable.
• Nature rules will be changed to reflect recent changes agreed for International and National competitions and exhibitions.
• Also this next year Aggregate Awards will disappear and we will be concentrating on Best Awards.
• Nigel is also working on increasing the Awards in addition to the Best Award but this will be publicised well in advance of next year.
• Nigel is looking at an automated entry arrangement whereby members will complete their entry over the internet. He is hoping to get this running during the year. • We will also be replacing the ageing print stand with a professional one.
• Nigel is looking into having a third class between Novices and Open – Novice, Intermediate and Advanced but this would be at least 2019/20 season as it will be difficult working out the logistics of it working.
• Thanks go to Colin Close, Nigel Hall, Roger Lewis and other members who have helped pin up prints on the boards. Also to Tony Hawksbee who has diligently and very promptly got the results onto the website. Also to Julie Bridgewater and her team for the refreshments during the intervals. There was a question raised on the 18 month rule and this was discussed generally. It was agreed that the 18 month rule should be taken out of the Competition Rules for 2018/19. However it was also agreed that the Competition Secretary’s decision on similarity was final. Proposed by Tony Friel and Seconded by Mike Childs  
Janet Cox, gave a verbal report.
• Janet reported that a good Team for the refreshments at half time rota had been established although it was felt that more men should be on the rota.
• Janet thanked Roger’s wife, Gail, for taking over the catering for the Awards Night due to Janet’s holiday arrangements.
• Raffle will be re-introduced after the summer break in August/September. Any items for raffles would be gratefully received.
• Janet also asked for any ideas for the New Year Party.
Proposed by Linda Allen and Seconded by June Longmuir 9. WEB MASTER’S REPORT: Web Master,
Tony Hawksbee, gave a verbal report:
• Problems with the website caused problems in November 2017 but this was overcome
• Statistics were issued but again this caused problems at the end of 2017 but again this was overcome but has messed up the history for a long period
• Good input for articles from Dave Riddle and Adrian Hedges and Tony would welcome any further input from any members
• Tony was looking at making site more up to date and again would welcome more input from members
• Tony warned members about receiving spam emails
• Zan Tristram is helping me improve the BPS presence on the website. Many thanks to Zan
• Tony had problems with the web site renewal but this has now been overcome. Thanks go to Dave Robins, a new member, who helped me
• With the new Date Protection Regulations coming into place on 25th May a lot of work has been involved including a Data Protection Policy, a Data Protection Compliance, a Data Flow Chart and a Website Privacy Policy. Thanks to Linda Allen for proof reading everything
Proposed by Gary Cooper and Seconded by Nigel Hall
Inter-Club Coordinator, Nigel Taylor, gave a verbal report:
• Midland Bank Trophy – BPS came first. Will be hosts next year December 2018 • 5-a-side – BPS came 3rd • Six Societies – BPS came 6th. We were hosts too this year. Well done to all who entered
11. PUBLICITY OFFICER’S REPORT: David Jellie took over this post from Linda Allen recently. He gave a verbal report looking forward:
• Main priorities have been current publications and contact details and establish new contacts and publications
• Harness power of social media. Facebook currently run by Zan, Becky and David Jellie. Looked at some Facebook Groups online and will establish a BPS Group and asked for members to join the Group. The aim would be to allow group members to post photographs or comments on a site that will only be available to group members to participate. This Group will be promoted to other groups with a view to attracting new members to the Club
Proposed by Tony Hawksbee and Seconded by Barry Green
Membership Liaison Coordinator, Adrian Butt, gave a verbal report: • Complaints – two complaints received and one resolved with the other partially resolved
• Picture Board – displayed on main notice board showing members’ names and pictures. Also a PDF version sent to members of committee
• Early Sessions – 22 sessions run and geared to less experienced members. These sessions were divided into four categories – competition booster; problem clinic; photo editing; and exhibitions. Also two practical sessions held – lighting problems for portraits and flash to photograph still life
• Problem Solving – tried to help members with problems encountered on studio practical nights and also with printer and Lightroom problems • Welcome – tried to ensure new members and guests are made welcome
• Equal Opportunities Policy has now been revised and updated, approved by Committee, and made available on the Club’s website
Proposed by Ruth Seddon and Seconded by Pauline Grainger
External Exhibition’s Secretary, Colin Close, gave a verbal report:
• About 6 members regularly enter outside exhibitions. Please notify Chairman if you receive any acceptances or medals so that it can be publicised and so encourage other members to enter
• Encouraged members to enter exhibitions by presentations at the Early Sessions; circulating entry dates etc. of exhibitions; publicising British Photographic Exhibitions (Jenny Webster recently achieved BPE 1 and 2 stars); encouraging attendance at Midlands Exhibitions and the three Inter-Club Competitions
• Encouraged 4 members achieve their CPAGB awards recently
Proposed by Nigel Hall and Seconded by John Davidson
This Proposal was discussed at depth with those present and with amendments was accepted. Proposed by BPS Committee and Seconded by Richard Pope and carried unanimously. Code of Conduct after amendment to be posted on the Website. Confirmed done.
This Proposal was discussed at depth and accepted Proposal by BPS Committee Voted: 3 against and 31 for The Constitution would be altered and posted on the Website. Confirmed done.
14.3 The £2 Membership increase was accepted. See Treasurer’s Report.
15.1 Chairperson: Roger Lewis was unanimously elected for a fourth year
15.2 Re-Election of Officers prepared to continue in their current position: Vice Chairperson David Jellie Secretary David Ward Competition Secretary Nigel Taylor Programme Secretary Jan Harris Social Secretary Janet Cox Web Master Tony Hawksbee Inter-Club Coordinator Nigel Taylor External Exhibitions Secretary Colin Close The above Officers were unanimously re-elected en bloc
15.3 Treasurer: Linda Allen had been co-opted into this role during the year and is already doing an excellent job.
Proposed by June Longmuir Seconded by Len Pugh Unanimously agreed
15.4 Publicity Officer: David Jellie agreed to take on this role recently in addition to Vice Chairperson
Proposed by Linda Allen Seconded by Janet Cox Unanimously agreed
15.5 Membership Co-Ordinator: Skills and Development Officer: Vacant position, unanimously agreed not filled at this AGM
15.6 General Committee Members: (up to four positions still available) June Longmuir Liz Perrins John Davidson Proposed by Jill Howe Seconded by Janet Cox Unanimously agreed
There was no other business Meeting closed at 10.10 pm

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