The Meeting started at 8.03pm there were 25 members present.

ITEM   1)         APOLOGIES

These had been received from  Fred Thompson, Peter and Jill Young, Julie Hall.


The previous minutes were accepted as written.

Proposed: Mike Norton, Seconded: David Riddle.


The club had now purchased a Color Monkey for use by the membership.


Peter Garnett had distributed his report prior to the meeting this was read out in his      absence. This was also supported by additional comment from Mike Cox.

(A full copy is attached to these minutes).

He thanked all those who had stepped in and taken tasks over during his spell of      incapacitation particularly those who had undertaken his Role.

He thanked Mike Norton for putting together the Summer Programme and also       thanked Roger Tyler for organizing weekend and weekday outings.


June Longmuir reported, a copy of the Income and Expenditure were distributed at the meeting. These had been accepted by Mike Norton as a true and accurate record.

The total number of members included some that had paid only a partial subscription so the total Income did not reflect that of 66 paid up members.

The Balances in the Bank were not identified on the print out, June read these out

Cash               £260.00

Current A/C    £702.00

Savings A/C   £ 6,908.56

Lloyds A/C     £ 37.00

The payment of £340 to Roger Lewis was questioned, this cost included new Back Drops for Model nights. The Website costs of £216 was a payment for next 3 years.

June’s Report was accepted Proposed Mike Cox  Seconded Barry Green.


Barry Green gave a verbal report.

He proposed to move the content of next years Programme on. One or Two              expensive lecturers would be included, there would also be more Practical nights.

There would also be a Photoshop course.

There had been little response from members on what they wanted to see.

Barry ended by saying he had produced his last Programme but was prepared to help guide someone in the role next year.

David Riddle asked if a meeting could include use of the Colour Monkey calibration.

Barry’s report was accepted Proposed: Nigel Taylor  Seconded: Colin Close.


There had been no volunteer for this Role so again it had fell on Barry Green (Prints) and David Ward(PDI) to cover the years events.

Barry Reported for Print competitions, the number of entries had got bigger and Barry suggested we needed to reintroduce a Beginners section next year.

David reported on PDI, again like his predecessor requested that members submit their PDI entries in line with the rules.

Dave Riddle suggested having a beginners Portfollio where they would benefit from comments from other members. David also volunteered to Run it.

Report accepted Proposed: John Davidson  Seconded: Dave Riddle.


Janet gave a verbal report.

Awards Evening had been well attended and an enjoyable evening with Cheese and wine. This was followed by the Awards presentation. She thanked all those who had helped on the night

The New Year Party had been a great success, she thanked Helen Eyre for entertaining us and also Jean and Angela for their help on the evening and to everyone who supported the evening.

Finally she ended by saying a particular Thank You to Jean who had helped her make the Tea and Coffee through the year.

Janet’s Report was accepted.

Proposed: Mike Norton  Seconded: Roger Lewis.


David gave a verbal report, we had entered 3 competitions during the year:

Midland Bank: First Place

Six Societies: this had been won by the host’s Kings Norton

Stourbridge five-a-side. We came first again.

David thanked all those authors who had contributed during the year and also his

He thanked his  Panel of selectors that was usually Barry, and Colin.

Report Accepted Proposed: Roger Lewis Seconded: Jan Harris


Tony Hawksbee reported to the membership.

Tony explained how he had shown an interest and was now co-opted on to the committee, he said he owed a large amount to Malcomn Langdon for his help.

Club information and results of competitions were regularly posted.

Dave Riddle thanked Tony for taking on the job and said he was doing a very good job.

It was suggested that the AGM Minutes could be posted on the site, it was also agreed that the Summer Programme be posted for the members to see.

Tony’s report was accepted,  Proposed: Colin Close   Seconded: Jan Harris.


Roger Lewis reported,

A number of activities had been put on starting with the Saturday market stalls, the 10 week foundation course had increased the membership, this had been over subscribed. The increase in Lady members was very encouraging.

The next activity would be the October Artix Exhibition, work was in hand and was progressing smoothly.

Rebekah thanked Roger for a very good course.

Roger said that a stall at the carnival was also proposed.

Report accepted Proposed: Colin Close   Seconded: Jan Harris.


12.1     Chairman: Roger Lewis.

Proposed: By Committee  Agreed: All present.

12.2  Re Election of Officers prepared to continue in their current role:

President:  Barry Green

Vice Chairman : Mike Cox.

Secretary : David Ward

Treasurer: June Longmuir

Social Sec: Janet Cox

Web Master: Tony Hawksbee

Inter Club Co-Ordinator: David Ward

Publicity: Roger Lewis supported by Judith Clooney.

All the above were re-elected on block.

Agreed: All present

12.3  Programme Secretary : Rebekah Nash

Proposed: Peter Garnett  Seconded: Nigel Taylor     Agreed All.

12.4  Competition Secretary: Nigel Taylor

Agreed by All                                                                                                                  .

12.5 General Committee Members

Jan Harris

John Dignam

Kate Butler

Judith Clooney

Agreed by All present.

13)            WRITTEN PROPOSALS

13.1     Friday Night Model sessions, these were advertised to club members and run on

their behalf. The Room hire costs £12/hour, could the society pay for that room hire.

Proposed: Colin Close   Seconded: Roger Lewis

This was discussed by the members present, it was pointed out that this had previously been discussed by the committee who had agreed to finance equipment for General use on model nights but not to finance these events attended by a small part of the membership.

A vote was taken and it was agreed committee decision should stand.

For: 17     Against: 7

Constitution Amendments Submitted by Peter Garnett

Item 3, states Men and Women from 18 years of age shall be eligible for membership without qualification or discrimination. Children may attend suitable meetings if accompanied by a responsible adult.

The proposal was to introduce a  junior membership, at a reduced fee for under 16’s to allow attendance at suitable meetings if accompanied by a responsible adult.

This was accepted by the majority,  limits and exclusions need to be written into the constitution.

In the Event of an Exhibition being held the General Committee shal appoint a Exhibition Committee, and such sub-committees as it considers desirable. All activities of Sub-committees will be subject to General Committee approval.

All Agreed.

An additional item to read:

In the event of the Society being dissolved, or otherwise ceasing to exist, its property shall be divided equally between the members existing at the time or, failing that, shall be transferred to the Midland Counties Photographic Federation to be held in trust and made available at the discretion of the said Federation for any photographic society which may be created in the area covered by the previous Society.

Agreed All.

14)   A.O.B

Dave Riddle asked what about having a PDI Exhibition.

Answer: Not in the foreseeable future.

Meeting was closed at 10:25.

Next Committee meeting to be Monday 12th June.


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