11.02.2024 Vocal Point

Ele is away, and has asked me to send the “Vocal points” update this week on her behalf.

I hope everyone enjoyed Tuesday’s presentation on “My World of Audio Visual Photography” by Keith Watson as much as I did. I thought it was an interesting and inspiring evening, giving some food for thought about different ways to present a body of photographic work. Jan has a copy of the final AV that he was not able to show – the one with the seagulls – so perhaps we will get a chance to show it at the club one evening. Kudos to our programme secretary for arranging such a varied set of presentations with something for everyone.

This week, the early session will be a talk about infra-red photography by me. Infrared photography can give surreal, dreamy images, dramatic monochromes, or reveal unseen details. Literally, it’s seeing the world in a different light.

The main event on Tuesday is the “Boys vs Girls” intra-club competition – should be an interesting evening, and one that we can be sure a team from Bromsgrove is going to win! I haven’t seen the photos that the “Girls” team selected, but I know there are some great ones from the “Boys” – I hope the judge agrees! The judge will be Louise Hill LRPS MPAGB – actually her second time judging for us this season since she stepped in at short notice in December when the scheduled judge was taken ill.

We have had some communication from the Avoncroft Arts Society regarding a problem with the front door – one of the hinges is in need of repair, and until this can be arranged it is important to treat the door with some care and try to keep it closed as much as possible so the wind does not catch it. Your co-operation here will be appreciated.

Set up on Tuesday – Stage with chairs and TV, main hall with chairs and projector as usual.

See you on Tuesday


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