Hi all
Welcome to our new members and visitors who are trying Bromsgrove Photographic Society for the first time. I hope that your experience is a pleasant one. You are receiving this email as you have given us your email address to receive information from the society.
This is a very fluid time for our membership email list – old members rejoining, new members just joined and visitors trying us out. It takes a bit of time to get the databases correct (and GDPR compliant) so please be patient with us. It is even possible that you have received this message twice. If you know of anyone who is not receiving this information – or invites to our meetings – then please let me know ASAP.
Our new season is now well and truly underway and this week we have our first speaker presentation of the year. Hunter Kennedy MPAGB EFIAP will be presenting all the way from Scotland. He is a member of Carluke Camera Club and some of us have had the pleasure of seeing some of Hunter’s work before. His dreamy landscapes have a unique atmosphere to them alongside a variety of other genres. This promises to be a very entertaining night.
As Hunter is presenting via Zoom from Scotland we offer two means of taking part – you can attend Avoncroft as normal and soak up the social side of our society. Or, if you prefer, you can log in to the online Zoom presentation. Despite a few teething problems, we started our live Zoom presentations last week and hopefully these will run without further hitches.
In addition we are running a live early session at Avoncroft at 7-00pm on Tuesday. Tony Gervis FRPS will be presenting Basic Photography Part 1. Once again you can attend live at Avoncroft, or log in to our Zoom presentation. You should have received our Zoom invites by now. If not, then please let me know.
Looking forward to the following Tuesday 21.09.21 we will be running a Practical night at Avoncroft. As these evenings are interactive, it is not possible to run these as Zoom evenings. These evenings are very hands on and please BRING YOUR CAMERA. There will be a chance to take photos such as still life and other subjects. It is also hoped that we will run a Camera Clinic. Modern cameras will take great images in automatic mode, but there is no doubt that many of our best images come when we learn to take full control and switch Auto function off. This can be very daunting if you haven’t done it before but the rewards can be enormous. I hope to have some experienced members on hand to help you make the most of your model of camera.
During the Practical Evening Paul Smith will be running a session on print mounting. If you would like to learn how to give your prints the professional appearance, then this is for you –
The early Session will teach the technique to mount professionally a print to a pre-cut purchased mount principally A3/A4 so that it sits in the chosen mount correctly. Also moving on to why/how to use a backing board to provide stiffening to the mount and finally encompassing both mount and board with adhesive tape, finishing it off with a purpose made label declaring Name of society(Bromsgrove Photographic Society) Genre / Nature/Colour /Mono /Authors name and the title of the image. Prints and mounts will be supplied for demonstration purposes, and it is intended that everyone will get the opportunity to do it themselves hands on, thus gaining competency in the procedure. As well as the above. information will be given as to ordering the pre-cut mounts, the colours /sizes available , backing boards /tape /labels. with the intention that a bulk order will go in to the supplier.
There is such a lot to look forward to. Hopefully, I will see you all on Tuesday
Best wishes