3rd Print Colour & Nature Competition 2023/24 Judge: Bob Goode LRPS EFIAP/b

Open (35 entries)

Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Steller’s Sea EagleFirst
Nick VealeEarly Tide At BamburghSecond
Mike TrothBallerinaThird
Richard ParkesGlencoe CottageHighly Commended
Richard ParkesThe BossHighly Commended
Paul SmithThe SentinalHighly Commended
Mike TrothAt Home With VictoriaHighly Commended
Trevor HunterLoch EtiveCommended
Trevor HunterLoch SlapinCommended
Richard ParkesPareidolia In SmokeCommended
Guy SidfordEnd Of The DayCommended
Nick VealeHamnoyCommended
Nick VealeHeading Out To SeaCommended
Ele Watts CPAGBWet Walk At The WharfCommended
Ele Watts CPAGBAll By MyselfCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE5* SPSA EFIAP/gSpeed CountsCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE5* SPSA EFIAP/gAlas I Knew Him WellCommended
Malcolm WhartonCroome ParkCommended
Malcolm WhartonIstanbul SunsetCommended

Novice (6)

Tony SladeNot Another Selfie!First
Tony SladeDave Live On StageSecond
Steve WilliamsRetail Promotion- Trouble With Door WidthsThird

Open (27)

Alan McCormickVervet MonkeyFirst
Richard ChapmanBeautiful DemoiselleSecond
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Osprey With CatchThird
Richard ParkesGoshawkHighly Commended
Richard ParkesGreater StichwortHighly Commended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE5* SPSA EFIAP/gHappy ToucanHighly Commended
Richard ChapmanAsparagus Beetles On AsparagusCommended
Julie Hall QPSA CPAGB BPE3*Red Squirrel By Turkeytail FungusCommended
Trevor HunterJuvenile KestrelCommended
Trevor HunterRed KiteCommended
David Jellie AFIAPFrosted Ivy LeafCommended
David Jellie AFIAPMeadow Grass SeedheadsCommended
Richard ParkesTawny LandingCommended
Dennis RedmondSiproeta EpaphusCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE5* SPSA EFIAP/gJuvenile Male Lions BondingCommended
Jenny Webster ARPS GMPSA DPAGB BPE5* SPSA EFIAP/gGull Very ConfidentCommended

Novice (3)

Steve WilliamsGreen Drake MayflyFirst
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