Hi All,
Something a bit different for last week so thanks to:
Jan Harris and John Davidson for their ‘creative lights in the dark’ I got the feeling those who took part had a good time.
Tony Hawksbee assisted by Sue Young for the flower display and to demonstrate you can get great results from inexpensive non-photographic lights.
David Jellie put on two tables one of which showed how to get shadow-less images with the use of a light tent.
I noticed a few were intrigued with the polarised light set and I don’t know about anyone else but I had great fun with the strawberry splashes. Unfortunately time went so fast and there was so much more we could have done with the splashes (would be nice to see some results on the club’s facebook page).
I haven’t spoken to Sophie (Cos Play model from our last studio evening) but she has put up a few more members images up on her facebook page, thank you. I hear from Colin Close that he has so far got one very attractive model for our Studio evening on the 23rd so just one more to find.
This week we have a competition and critique session by Colin Close on the stage at 7 to 7.45 pm whilst the main event at 8 pm is a demonstration by Darren Shipman, a pro photographer from Dpix Studio on lighting for portraits as well as a few ideas on photographing food.
This is also handing in week for the Novice Annual Competition, please see Nigel Taylor’s message of a couple days ago but basically you can enter up to a total of 12 images, 2 x colour, 2 x mono, 2 x nature both in prints and digital projected including previously entered monthly entries. You can of course enter as few as you wish the only stipulation is that the entries meet the normal specifications and that you have entered at least one image over our year in that particular section. If you are not sure about anything , just ask or read the rules towards the back of your members handbook.
Out and about this week I called in at the Midlands Art Centre (MAC) in Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham for the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) 161st International Photography Exhibition. If you want to visit it finishes soon on the 12th April. I personally didn’t find it that inspiring although there were some really good images with that wow factor that made the trip worthwhile. What was good was another exhibition on the ground floor which was from a selfies project in Handsworth from 1979, some really great portraits that certainly took me back as I lived in Handsworth for a couple of years in the early 70’s. Whilst mentioning the RPS, Colin Close sent out a post re their Dig-news and the article on underwater competition entries, absolutely stunning images well worth a look and you don’t even need to get into the car, go too: https://issuu.com/royalphotographicsociety/docs/dig_news_april_2019
Go to page 13 for “underwater photography”, click “read more” then “110 pictures”. Thanks Colin.
Thanks to everyone who supported last week’s raffle we made £41 and also thanks to some members generosity we made £21 on the bring-and-buy table which helps offset some of those increasing prices and allows for a better programme.
I know The AGM is still a month away but you might like to start thinking about proposals and if you would like to help shape our future by getting on the committee, I think the next few years might be interesting (in a good way).
Best wishes.
Roger L