10/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all

Well, we promised you something different for our first studio night of the year, and I’m sure you’ll agree that we delivered. The kickboxers put on a great show for us with plenty of opportunity for action shots and more static portrait-type images. As usual, this was a well supported night. As a result, each member gets a relatively short time taking shots, but there was still plenty of time to get many images. There was a lot of energy in the room – both models and photographers.

Now is the time to get some images to our models. They helped us out for free, on the understanding that they would receive some images in return. Please don’t rely on other members to do this for you. Colin has already sent out information on how to do this.

This week it is the turn of some of our own members to do a presentation on subjects that are close to their hearts. We have a variety of topics and images to consider. Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered to participate.

Please remember that the deadline for handing in images for our first Print competition – Mono and Nature – is on Tuesday of this week. All details on how to do this have been included in an email from Nigel. Good luck to everyone who will be taking part.

See you all on Tuesday

Best wishes


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